In our first newsletter of 2022, we are thrilled to share a personal message from Tanya Dalton, author, and founder of inkWELL Press:


inkWELL Press Family,


What a year it’s been! The past 12 months have been a roller coaster of emotions. As most of you know, my book On Purpose debuted this past year to some incredible reviews… but it wasn’t the biggest event of the year for me.


My son Jack graduated high school and, as I write this, has just finished up his first semester at college. I’m not gonna lie, the first three-quarters of 2021 involved a lot of spontaneous crying at the thought of sending my oldest to school.


But to be honest, the moment I dropped Jack at college is probably one of the most satisfying moments of my life. The four of us were standing outside under a brilliant blue sky hugging like our lives depended on it (while I did my best trying to act as if I was not about to totally lose it).


Jack pulled away slightly, looked me in the eye and said, “I’m ready, Mom.” And with that he turned and walked into his dorm and into adulthood…. And he didn’t look back once.


Probably my proudest moment ever.


My son, who has stressed and worried and fretted about going away to college since the age of 13, felt confident to step into his life. He didn’t need look back at me to reassure him or to encourage him that he would be okay.


If I could give the gift of this moment to all of you moms out there right now, I would.


Because motherhood is hard. It feels like the trenches. There are days where you just don’t know if you can keep going and, man, what a dream it would be to go to the bathroom by yourself without little fingers poking under the door. (I remember those days.)


Wow, they go by hard and fast. But they are worth it. Those days are worth the struggle when you watch those tiny humans grow into adults who make you wonder how you did something so right (when every day you asked yourself how you were screwing them up!).


What a gift time travel would be if we had it.


Here’s the good news: We do.


A brand new year is upon us — a beautiful blank slate of possibilities. Time travel forward to December 31, 2022… what will you look back on at the end of 2022 and be most proud of?


What will you be most excited about having done?


Take a moment right now and gift yourself some time traveling. This year is yours to do with it as you want…after all, if you read my book, you know that extraordinary is a choice— let’s choose it for the year ahead.


Much love and good wishes for the new year,


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