Planning is an essential tool for achieving goals and staying organized, but is the January through December format the best one for you? It’s been a tradition for many to get a new planner in January because that’s when the new year starts. New year? New planner.


But academic planning, also known as midyear planning, has gained popularity over the years. Named “academic” for teachers and students starting a new school year, these planners have the same layout style, interiors, and designs as their traditional counterparts, the only difference is that they’re dated from July through June of the next year.


Wondering if this kind of planner would work for your schedule? Here are five reasons why you should try an academic or midyear planner, even if you're not a teacher, a student, or a parent of school-age kids. It’s always a good time to get organized!


  1. You need a fresh start.


July is the perfect time to reassess your goals since you've likely made progress towards your New Year's resolutions. But if you haven’t, or maybe forgotten about them altogether, it may be time to give your goals another shot. A new planner is an opportunity to shift your expectations and adjust your plans accordingly.


  1. Summertime motivation


Unless you’re a lifeguard at the beach, summer provides a bit of downtime in most fields of work. Use your free time to refocus on your priorities, or even establish new ones if need be. If winter and spring left you feeling overwhelmed or burnt out, July is your time to begin anew!


  1. Improved productivity


This is the ideal time to break down your goals into manageable tasks. With a new planner and perspective, identify areas where you might be wasting time and energy. What can you start saying no to? What can you delegate to your family? Where can you make adjustments?


  1. A chance to try new things.


Longer days provide an opportunity to try new things and experiment with different strategies to achieve your goals. Taking on new goals in January, right after the holidays, can be a challenge, but summer is full of opportunities for growth and time to find what works best for you.


  1. It creates a habit of planning

Whether you’re starting a new job or enjoying the freedom of retirement, we all want to have more time. Choose to use this time wisely and prioritize your wellbeing. Midyear planning can help you establish your daily planning ritual that lasts throughout the holiday-filled fall and winter. By using your planner to create healthy routines, you'll be much more likely to achieve your goals and stay organized.


If summer months make you feel adrift and unfocused, try using an academic planner to process your thoughts, organize your schedule, and find structure in unplanned days. When you mindfully choose the activities of each day, you can truly be present in your own life. That’s what planning is all about!