Tanya's Tips for Better Sleep

Tanya's Tips for Better Sleep

If there's one thing that Tanya Dalton, our fearless leader, truly prioritizes in life, it's rest.


Daily naps and a solid night of sleep are key, but as any adult knows, falling asleep can be challenging when life is swirling around you.


So, how does Tanya do it? Her secret is an evening routine, and it works for her because she's consistent and does the same things every night, even if she's traveling.


Note: Routines differ for everyone, so what works for Tanya may not work for you. Always find what works for you and your lifestyle. In the meantime, here are five easy things you can do to prepare your body for sleep.


6-Step Routine for a Stress-Free Evening


  • Get some exercise. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and improve your sleep quality. But don't exercise too close to bedtime, as this can make it difficult to fall asleep.


  • Eat an early dinner that's light and healthy. Have you ever eaten fast food before bedtime? It's a recipe for nightmares and can undoubtedly make it difficult to fall asleep. Opt for a small meal and finish it at least three hours before you turn in for the night.


  • Get organized for the next day. Lay out your clothes, pack your lunch, and make a priority list for tomorrow. This will help you feel more prepared and in control, plus it keeps nighttime worries at bay.


  • Journal your gratitude. Take five to ten minutes to write down what went well and what needs follow-up the next day. Our dated planners have ample room for notes, and our Daily Download notepad was created to help you wind down at the end of a long day.


  • Relax. Read a book, take a bath, or listen to soothing music. As tempting as a late-night scroll may be, avoid watching TV or using electronic devices, as the blue light emitted from these devices may interfere with your sleep.


  • Go to bed at the same time each night. A set bedtime helps regulate your body's natural sleep-wake cycle and makes it easier to fall asleep at night.


Looking for more ways to enhance your sleep? Here are some additional Tanya-approved tips to help you optimize your snooze time.


  • Make your bedroom a stress-free zone. Enlist the help of ambient lighting, candles, muted décor colors, and relaxing music.


  • Fancy a cup of tea? Make sure it's decaf. Caffeine stays in your system for nearly six hours and can seriously disrupt your sleep cycles.


  • Invest in blackout shades or a sleep mask. Light may be the culprit if you can't fall asleep.


  • Organize your bedroom. Clutter can distract you from drifting off and feeling relaxed. A little decluttering goes a long way!


  • Bills or schoolwork piling up? Keep that stuff out of sight when you're trying to relax.


  • Try lowering the temperature of your room. The optimal temperature range is 60 to 72 degrees for good sleep. Open your windows or try a cooling mattress pad if it's within budget.


  • Tried white noise? A fan provides steady white noise, or you can find it for free on sleep apps and YouTube. Consider using earplugs if low noise doesn't work for you.


We hope these tips help you fall asleep quickly and provide a long, quiet night of sleep. If you experience chronic sleep problems or feel that your lack of sleep is affecting your overall wellbeing, please see a doctor.